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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Savings Saturday

Alright, I have need to get back to normal with my coupon shopping trips!  I can deffinately tell that I have been slacking in that department since the hubby left. (Insert poor me rant here)  I'll tell you why.....because I HATE going to the stores with three kids!  Really!  It stinks!!  When you are using coupons you have to pay very close attention to prices and making sure that you are acctually putting your coupons in the correct piles as to not miss any of them at checkout.  You don't know how annoyed I get when I realize AFTER checking out that I put a coupons of a item that I did buy, in the pile that I thought I didn't buy.  Yes, it's normally one 50 cents or so....but sometimes its more than that.  And even at 50 ads up over time.  BOO!  (End rant here)

I decided it was time to get over myself and bribe the kids so I could shop!  lol  I took them to the movie department and had them pick out a $5 movie and told them that if they were good for me, then I would let them keep taht movie.  If they weren't good for me, then they lost the movie.  Yes, I am out $5 extra....but honestly, I would have bought them something anyway.  So it's a win, win.  ;)

Ooookkkk, back to the post.  This is what I got:

In case you can't tell very well this is what I got:
4 fly swaters - FREE
2 bug tape strips - FREE
5 Noxema shavers - FREE
2 trial size Tide - 50 cents each
3 packs of Gum - 12 cents each
2 Red Cross trial size packages - 50 cents each
1 trial size Secret deodorant - 25 cents
3 Colgate Kids Toothpastes - 1.00 each
1 Windex - Free
2 Snuggle Dryer Sheets - 75 cents each
Nexcare Bandages - 1.00 each

That is a total of $7.36 out of pocket!
And a SAVINGS of $29.95. WOOOHOOOO!

I am super stoked about my savings!

Now, tell me what you saved this week??  I would love to hear. :)

Have A Wonderful Day!

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