Here is what I used:
tissue paper
construction paper
pen or marker
But really the possibilities are endless.
I started by asking my two participants which animal they would like for me to draw. {no judging on my mad drawing skills, k? } The top is miss Riley's, and it's supposed to be a pig. The bottom is Kaleb's, and it was meant to be a tiger.
Next, I told them to pick whatever colors they wanted for their animals and go to town. They loved tearing up the tissue paper and scrunching it up. What kid doesn't love destroying things? HA.
For every dot of glue, they used a piece of tissue paper over it.
I loved seeing how they riped it, the sizes they used, the colors they used. I think it is great to spark creativity in your children.
Here is Riley's pig. Pink and yellow. And perfect.
Kaleb's tiger is more like a ....I don't know what. But at least it has an eye. He is by far my most creative child. He loves to help me do things. And asks for crafts to do for himself almost daily.
This is a really simple, cheap, and long lasting craft. They seemed to enjoy it. And Riley continued with a momma horse and baby horse next. :)
I like to party here!

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