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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Work It Out Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!

This past week has been great for my working out!  I have decided that treadmill running is not good for training when my 5K will be on real ground.  So I have started on real ground....soaking in this scene on my morning runs.

The river is only 5 minutes from my house, with a great running trail. So that is where I will be training from now on.  Here is what I have done this week.

Wendsday - Crossfit

5 chair dips
10 normal push ups
15 air squats (make sure you're squatting all the way down)
*Each minute on the minute for 15 minutes straight.
Thursday - Crossfit
.20 air squats
.30 lunges
.40 calf raises
.50 sec wall sit (watch form)
.100 jumping jacks
.40 burpees
.30 flutter kicks
.20 sit ups
5 rounds for time.

Friday - Ran 1 mile
Saturday - Ran 1 mile
Sunday - Ran 1 mile

Monday - Rest day

Tuesday - Crossfit
20 of each, for 4 rounds
Push ups
Sit ups

I'm SUPER proud of myself for the past week!  I hope I can keep it up. :)

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