I bought a medium sized canvas bag at the store. And picked out a scrap piece of fabric from my stash.
Sew all the way around your fabric so that you will not have any threads or raveling happening in case they have to wash it.
Pin your fabric on the top and bottom so that it will not move when sewing.
I sewed on all sides so that the fabric would not separate from the bag. I started with the top and bottom straight across. Then I moved to the sides and just gathered the fabric as I went down.
It's not perfect, but it was thought out and made by my hands. I hope the teachers will love it. And I think it's pretty cool that on the bottom of both sides, the fabric goes in a little. Kinda makes it look like it's supposed to be that way, right? HA!
Have you started planning for teacher appreciation yet? Leave me a link to what you plan on giving, I would love to see!
I like to party over here!
Make it a GREAT day!