Would you like to see some great hair tutorials for short hair?? I have short hair (right at shoulder's) and I never know anything cute to do to it. :( So, I'm thinking of getting together some short hair tutorials. What do ya think?? Maybe have some guest post's from others with short hair as well? Making it a week long series?? If you would like to participate, please let me know. :)
4th of July is coming up! I can not wait to see my kiddo's faces. They LOVE fireworks!
Right at, about, three weeks till the hubby comes home! Say it with me, WOOOHOOO!
I really should be cleaning, doing laundry, and packing, but all I want to do is finish the movie. Night and Day....yes, it has been out for a year now and I have still not seen it. HA
It doesn't seem like my middle son should be starting Kindergarten this coming year, or that my oldest will be in 3rd. grade. Crazy how life happens and time flies by.
I REALLY need to start planning our camping trip! But, in 95 degree weather I don't even want to think about being outside.
Ok, I'm done for the day. lol
Have A Wonderful Day!!