I am a Young Adult fan. And all I read are YA books. I thought I would start with single books first. I don't read single books much, so there aren't many. Here is my list!
The Fault in our Stars
This is by far the best single book I have read thus far. It is about a girl, Hazel, who is dealing with cancer. The book follows Hazel in life and shows how she deals, or doesn't deal, with dying. It has family, friends, treatments, remission, death, and even love. I have never cried on one sentence, then laughed on the next until this book. There were many, many tears. But there were just as many laughs. AND, this book is being turned into a movie! I can not wait to see how they portray this amazing story.
The Sky is Everywhere
The Sky is Everywhere is about a girl who sets in the shadows and on the sidelines with her sister in the spotlight. Her sister dies suddenly, and Lennie finds herself thrust into the spotlight. She has to learn to deal with the loss of her sister, while becoming the person she was meant to be. She deals with death, friendships, and love. I also found myself crying to this many times, but it was a good cry.
Second Chance Summer
Second Chance Summer is about a family in their own worlds. Not spending much time together. And not close. They receive devastating news and the parents decide to take a trip that they haven't done in many years. Over the summer the family realizes what is important and reconnect. This book was great. It really made me re-evaluate my own life and the time I spend with my family.
I am on Good Reads and I would love to link up with you there if you are too!
Do you have any books that you can't help but tell others about? Please share them with me in the comments!
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