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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Work it out Wednesday {One Month Down}

Happy Wednesday friends!

This is week four.  I have officially been training for The Warrior Dash and my first 5K for one month.  Honestly, I can't tell a difference in the scale or feel a change in clothing yet.  It's a little disheartening, I'm not going to lie. But, I have committed...and paid for these things so I will continue training and I will complete them. 

{Taken mid run on a local trail}

Here is what I did this week:

Wednesday - CrossFit
I did a Tabata of:
Mountain climbers, burpees, kettle bells swings, crunches

Thursday - Off day

Friday - Ran 1 1/2 miles

Saturday -  Ran

Sunday - Off
Monday - Off

Tuesday - CrossFit
15 squat jumps
5 push ups
25 high knees
7 burpees
10 lunges
7 squats
5 push ups
10 lunges
5 push ups
7 squats
15 squat jumps
1 minute wall sit
5 push ups
25 high knees
{Repeat all of these three times}

Tuesdays workout was a killer.  No joke.  As I type this, my legs are almost numb because of the pain they are in.  It hurts so good!

Thanks for reading!

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