We met up at my sister's place in Memphis. The car ride was hilarious. We sang to old school music and danced in our seats. We ate Sushi for dinner. There may or may not have been one cousin that drank a bottle of pepto right after dinner.....tipped it up like a drink....it happened. We stayed up really late. It was a blast! Here are all of us getting ready for bed.
Don't be jealous, I know we are all too cute! HA! {left to right: Top to bottom} Mandi, Deanna (my sister), Kay, Me, Chasity (Mandi's sister), Magin and Amber (who are sisters)
Anyway, back to the reason for this post. My cousin Mandi made everyone some "Girls Night Out" baskets.
So cute, right? Here are the insides.....
Each had:
Bath poof and salt (That's what in the pink ice cream container)
Eye mask (to help us sleep)
Pedicure kit (it was a girls weekend...of course we needed to make sure our nails were good.)
Ear Plugs (we definitely needed these with 6 people in one room sleeping.)
Snacks (for late night snacking)
Tissues (cause you know we cried from laughing so hard!)
A photo frame (for a picture from the week of our choice)
And a cup (that she even personalized for each of us.)
What a great, and thoughtful gift. Thank you Mandi. I loved it all.
And just so you don't think we are all lazy bums, the next day we did get up and go shopping. Here is a better picture of us!
I had a blast and I can't wait till our next one.
I like to party here.
I had a great time! And I am so glad that you liked your basket!!