This week my score was at Rite Aid! Here is what I got...
I did two transactions so I will break these down for you. I had a rain check from a few weeks ago on a sale for Nivea, and they finally had it in stock....which was perfect since my coupons were expiring that day!
Transaction 1:
3 Nivea body washes - $14.00
Used 3 $2 off coupons
Paid 8. and some change
Received 3 $2 +UP rewards (these are coupons that print after buying certain products)
Transaction 2:
2 pack suckers - $1
2 pantene - $8.00
M&M - 2.50
2 Snickers bags - 5.00
$6 +UP from previous transaction
2 FREE Coupons for Pantene (Mail)
$1.50 off on Snickers coupon
$1 off on M&M coupon
New total was FREE!
Plus, I received a $1 +UP from buying the snickers.
Total for ALL was $8
SAVINGS is $22.50 plus a $1 for next time!
I'm pretty happy with the savings. What about you? Did you save any this week?
Have a great rest of the weekend!
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