Monday, August 13, 2012

DIY Neon Belt

Happy Day Everyone! 

I am digging neon this year.  I wanted some neon things to add in my wardrobe so I decided to make something.  I've had a gold belt for years and rarely wore it, so it was time to make it cute. 

Here is how I did it....

I started by using my bright pink neon nail polish. I just started painting the belt....over....and over....and over.  It took three thick coats to get the color I wanted.  I didn't use "expensive" thick polish, so if you decide to do this and used thicker polish it may not take as many coats.

After I reached the color I wanted, I just put Mod Podge all over it.

I let it dry overnight and this is what it looked like.

I love it!  Isn't everything better in a neon color?  ;)

Thanks for reading.  Have a great day.
I like to party over here!
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  1. Whatttt???!!!!! I never would have thought to do this! You are so clever :) I've really been wanting an aqua belt & I'm thinkin' I'll have to give this a try...and heck, I'll even paint my nails to match :) Thanks for the idea, Christy!!!! <3 Julie

  2. Mod Podge works on belts too! Good to know :) Lokks great!

  3. that is so super cute! goes great with that shirt! and your hair is ah-maze-ing!


I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!