Friday, August 10, 2012

Bow Pillow

I'm getting closer.  I'm getting closer to being finished with my living room re-do.  It's only been going on for months now, right?  Ha

I made another pillow.  I have never been much of a pillow person.  I have always loved them, but I have never really had them around the house.  I am trying to change that. 

I had some spare pink material laying around, and a pink hand towel.  Yep, the bow is made from a hand towel.  Talk about easy sewing.  :)    I also added some piping.  I have always wanted to try piping, but have been too scared.  So I just jumped in and did it.

Now, I love piping!  I wonder why it took me so long to try it.  And I can't wait to use it again.  Maybe in a purse.  Maybe in a clutch.  Maybe in another pillow.  I'm not sure yet, but I will be using it again, and soon.  It just seems to add an extra "finished" detail.

I am very happy with my bow pillow.  It was really simple, anyone can make one. 

Have a great day!

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  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOOOVE!!!!!! I made a pillow similar to this for my friends' nursery & I think the design is soooo beautiful! I think your piping is a perfect touch - you're right, it makes it look finished & much more professional. I love it! -Julie

  2. I love this, I pinned it :) So cute that i think I am going to give a bow pillow a try. You used a hand towel, I think this would be good for any thing that has a stain or other issue... make it a bow pillow! Nice work!

    I hope you will try one of my crafts one day. Take care
    I am Kasey from


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