Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tasty Tuesday {Orange Dreamsicle Cake}

Growing up I used to love orange dreamsicle push pops.  I buy them now for special treats.  My kids love them, too.  What's even better, is this recipe is a "low fat", healthier option for a dessert. 
I hope you all enjoy this recipe as much as my family did!

Ingredients and Directions:
For cake
1 Box orange cake mix
1/3 cup applesauce
4 egg whites
Amount of water the cake box calls for. 

You are probably wondering about the cake directions.   Add only the above ingredients to the cake mix.  Do not follow what the box calls for, except for the water.  Grease a cake pan, and bake at 350* for 30 min.

1 cup of water
1 box of sugar free orange jello

Boil the cup of water, and add jello.  Dissolve, and pour over cake when it is done cooking.  Once again, do not follow the box of jello and add a second cup of cold water.  Use just the one cup of boiling water.

Final step

For the topping:
1 small box of instant vanilla pudding (fat free, sugar free)
1cup skim milk
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. orange extract
1 container cool whip (fat free)
Mix all of the above ingredients, and spread over the cooled cake.  Refrigerate to set the topping.
Eat, and enjoy!
I was surprised to find out that it truly does taste like the push pops that I love so much.  And I am so glad that I have another way of getting that taste.  I hope you give it a try, and love it just as much.

Have a great day!

I'm social!  You can keep in touch with me on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and even Instagram under Christy's Cuties if you would like.

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  1. This does look yummy! I love dreamsicles. You should link this to my Must Try Monday party each week.

  2. This looks great. I would really like to try the icing.


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