Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Work it out Wednesday {The Warrior Dash?}

It has been a full week since I started training for my first 5K.  I used to claim (even last week) that I am not a runner.  But, I am beginning to wonder if I have always been a runner, and just didn't pursue it long enough at a time to realize it.  I am loving it.  I am loving the way it makes me feel.  I am loving the nasty sweat (gross) and knowing that I am getting some stress out.  I haven't noticed a change in inches or weight, but, I can tell a change in myself and that is really all that matters. 

I will say that if you are wanting to start running, good shoes are the most important thing.  I didn't have good shoes to start with, and it killed my legs.  After getting some good running shoes, my legs aren't hurting hear as bad. Start with shoes first. 

Here is what I have been up to:
Thursday - 2 miles walking, 2 miles running.  4 miles total.
Monday - 1 mile running at a 12 minute mile with two at a brisk walk.  3 miles total
Tuesday - 2.75 miles running at a 12 minute mile pace. 3 miles total
Wednesday - 20 minutes on the rower,10 minutes walking at a 5 incline, 15 minutes on the elliptical.  {My legs needed to rest today from running the past two days.}
I will pick back up with my running tomorrow.  According to a schedule that a friend gave me I should be running for 15-20 minutes at one time.  I have to push myself to make that 12 minute mile, so I'm not up to where I should be at the moment.  I know I will get there, though.  If you would like a copy of the schedule to start your own training, leave me a comment and I will send you one.

Now the husband is pushing me to do The Warrior Dash with him in September.  Have any of the females out there done this before?  If so, would you do it again?  If not, should I stop being a weenie and do it with him?  haha  This will be his second time.  I watched the first I wouldn't call it "fun", but I hate to disappoint him.  If you haven't read last weeks Work it out Wednesday then here is a picture of one of the "obstacles".  And in case you did read it, here is another picture.  These aren't from the Warriar Dash, but it's the same kind of obsiacle course stuff.

The husband is trying to touch the platform (after going all the way across) so that he doesn't fall in the REALLY cold water.  So, what do you think?  I would love some encouragement...or some "You would be crazy to even try that". HA!
I'm social!  You can keep in touch with me on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and even Instagram under Christy's Cuties if you would like.

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