Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Aria in Wonderland {Tasty Tuesday}

Last weekend I helped with my Nieces Birthday Party. If you missed the party decor you can find that, here

Today I am going to show you a little of the food that was served at the party. Be prepared, there are a lot of pictures again. 

This was the food bar.  We had the lunch food on the right side, and the drinks and sweets on the left.

Here are the cups, straws, and tags that were used.  They were purchased from Mother and Daughter Creations on Etsy.

 Of course there were fruits.  Complete with Nutella!  Yumm!

The cupcakes were divine! 

There were mini meatballs that were cooked in spaghetti sauce.  These were put on dinner rolls with mazzarella cheese.  They were delish.

Chips in single serve portions.  The tutorial for this to come soon. 

And you can't have a party without homemade mac & cheese can you?  Of course they were also in single serve.  The recipe for this yummy mac & cheese is also coming soon.

I do believe I ate a little of everything served at the party.  HA! 
Have a great day!
I like to party, here.
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