Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Gettin' my "MomJo" Back! (WIWW)

Do you watch reality tv?  I am a reality tv junky.  One of the shows I watch is Guliana and Bill on the Style network.  Do you love them?  They are so down to earth.  Love them!  Here lately Guliana has been talking about "MomJo" also known as mojo, but for mom's who need to get their "looks" back!  That's totally me!

Since having three kids, and being a stay at home mom, I have lost all of my "MomJo".  And I want it back!  So lately I've been trying really hard to pay attention to fashion and what clothes I am buying.  I think I am getting better, but to help push me into the right direction I figured what I wore Wednesday's would be a good thing. 

Forgive me for my "styleless-ness".  And any comments, pointers, or don't do that again's are welcome! HA. 

Shirt - J Crew {Goodwill}
Sweater - Old Navy {Goodwill}
Jeggings - Old Navy {Hand me down from sister!}
Boots - Target
Necklace - Thrifty and Fabulous Etsy Shop
Bracelets - Maurices

My favorite thing about this is the necklace.  I LOVE IT!  I originally bought it for a christmas gift for my sister (sorry sis!), but decided to keep it once I seen it.  HA.  Please tell me I'm not the only one to do that.  The boots are the next fave, of course.  I need some boot socks, though.  Does anyone have any shops to recommend for them?  Please share if you do!

The bad thing is, I am also in love with sweaters.  I have a few. I know these are sometimes not "cute".  But they are comfy...GASP.  Not a word I should use, right?  Let's remember mom's do a LOT during the day.  What do you think?  Do you love sweater's also?

So how did I do?  Does this help with "MomJo"?

I like to party at these awesome places!
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  1. I am a huge cardigane junkie! If I am not wearing one, it must be summer...or I'm asleep.

  2. Love the boots and the long necklace! So cute!

  3. Love your layering and your injection of colour into each outfit. I think a great pair of boots always looks good too!Are you a scarf wearer? That will boost your style-quotient too - even if the rest of the outfit is comfy and simple.

  4. I love your outfits! Especially the 1st one! haha. Thank you so much for featuring my necklace and I'm so happy to hear you liked it enough to keep for yourself! Don't worry I've totally done that too.

  5. HI there! L*O*V*E the outfit! Great blog too, In fact I am your newest follower:) I'm Hanna!!!! Happy Holidays!!! You can find me in my little corner at

    xxooxoxo H


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