Friday, December 7, 2012

A Ladder for Elf {Elf on the Shelf idea}

Hi everyone! 

This is the first year we are doing Elf on the Shelf.  I have always thought Elf's looks creepy (still do!), but the kids have seen him and want him so bad.  So, I'm getting over my issues with him.  ;)  I am cheap frugal, and I didn't want to pay the price for the original elf on the shelf.  So I went on a hunt to find a different, cheaper, one.  Now, this one is more creepy, according to my poll on Instagram.  HA.  Sorry if you have nightmares tonight.  I may wind up paying the price for the original after all.  ;)

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Since we are doing Elf this year, I figured I would make him a ladder so that he can get up on the tree, when needed.  Here is how I did it!

Wooden  Square Dowels  (2)
Circle dowel (1)
Super Glue
Clear coat

I started by cutting my circle dowels into even lengths to make the "steps".  Then I sanded the ends to smooth them out.

Super glue the circle dowels in between the square dowels.
Paint the color of your choice, and add your elf!

That's it!  Easy peasy.  We will move our ladder around on the tree, I'm sure, maybe even move it to another part of the house when it's ready to get into something else.  I see lots of fun in our future with this little elf and ladder. 

Does your family do Elf on the Shelf?

I like to link up to these awesome places.


  1. So cute! I am co-hosting the Ultimate Elf on the Shelf Link Party and I'd love for you to come link this up!

  2. So fun! I would love for you to share this or any of your great ideas at the link party going on now (and every Saturday - Tuesday) at 'Or so she says ...' Hope to see you there!


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