Friday, July 6, 2012

Kids Wooden Table and Chair Re-do

Happy Friday!  I have something exciting (I think so anyway) to show you today!  Since starting my blog I have noticed how many of my family members have a crafty side that I never knew about.  They say it's not them being crafty, but seeing things on mt blog that makes them think of things to do.  I disagree!  I think I have just brought it out in them. 

Anyway, a few weeks ago my cousin (hi Chas!) text me a picture and asked what I thought of this project she was wanting to do.  After a few questions, and a few hours, this is what she had done.  A new table and chairs for her daughter's room.

Super cute, right?  This is what it looked like when she got it.  Just a normal wooden table and chair set.

After a few coats of Krylon Spray Paint this is what she turned it into.  I love the square details on the top.  And that the chairs are two different colors.  Super cute in my opinion.

Way to go Chas!  It looks great.

Thanks so much for reading!
I like to party over here.

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  1. those squares *are* cute! they almost look like little placemats! she did good!

  2. What a lovely blog! I'm excited to be a new follower. I would love if you stopped by and followed me back at

  3. Great makeover! I love the fun colors that your cousin chose. Thanks again for stopping by my blog, Christy!

  4. i still think that this is the cutest thing! thanks for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday!


I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!