Saturday, July 7, 2012

Did you know.....

This is going to be a totally random post so get ready...

Did you know...

I am on Twitter now?? Well I am.  You can follow me here.  Please?  I will beg, I am not beyond it.  I'm pretty lonely over there right now, and really am beginning to like it more than facebook.  So, come tweet to I'm not so bored.

I am also on facebook!  And I'm getting MUCH better at posting over there.  HA!

In fact, I will no longer be doing feature Friday's on the blog, but rather sharing what I have found during the week over on my facebook page!  So you need to go "like" me so that you can see if you've been featured.  So that you can get this awesome button!
Christy's Cuties
Because I know you want one! 
I am also on Pinterest
And Instagram.....You can find me under ChirstysCuties of course.  I am pretty addicted to this right something serious.  You may or may not see my daily routine on an every day basis through pictures.  I'm sorry. HA!
I'm pretty sure I have project ADD. I do.  I currently have my living room re-do STILL happening.  I decided to start my bathroom and master closet which neither of them are completely finished yet, either.  Then I decided to throw in my boys room re-do.  Not to mention my daughter's floor isn't finished yet....although hers is just details like trim...that's a small detail, right?  All while still painting awesome furniture finds outside.  If you don't believe me, here is a pretty pictures of how I have been living for a week now...

Since I scratched Feature Friday, I am thinking of starting a What I Wore Wed.  Not so much for you to see what I wore, but for me to get some feedback on what I wore.  HA!  As a stay at home mom of three, I have totally lost my style.  I am working to get it back, and would love some feedback from other people besides an 8, 6, and 4 year old. 

Totally Random.  I'm sorry.  And I hope to get some feedback.  I feel a little lonely over here on the blog lately, and it makes me sad. It is my blog, but I don't want to bore all of my fabulous readers either.

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1 comment:

  1. and i'm so glad that you're on twitter! it's just as good as texting :)


I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!