Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Where have I been?

Whoa.  I can't believe it's already been 2 weeks since I have posted.  I'm so sorry.  I guess I was wrong about fully recuperating from my surgery and jumping back in.  Then life happened.  You all know how that is, right?  Blah.

Luckily, I have been able to fit a little fun in all of the life stuff.  So, here's a little peak into what I've been up to.

The husband has completed his first Tough Mudder.  He's in the orange shirt, at the back.

Of course he had to do the Tebow. ;)  Those other guys up there are our friends that did this as well.

 He went through the course like it was nothing.

I mean, who would willingly electrocute themselves in the name of FUN??  I think he's crazy! 

And we even got to celebrate our 10 year anniversary!  It may be the longest ten years of my life this far....but, it's been the BEST!

Now that you all are caught up....get ready for some real posts starting tomorrow!

I hope you all have been doing well.
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  1. Congrats on your 10 year anniversary! Guys are so wierd... nothing about that looks fun but more power to them!


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