Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hoo are you?

I have been missing the Night Owl Crafting Hoo are you link ups!  Well, I am happy to say it is back!  Here are the questions and my answers.

1. Are you married/in a relationship/single? For how long?
I am married, and have been for 10 years now.  WOW, still can't believe my high school sweetheart was meant to be the love of my life. ;)

2. What are your plans for Valentine's Day?
Since it is during the week, I will make a special dinner at home and a fun dessert for the kids.  :)

3. Do you have any Valentine's traditions?
I love to make my kids a Valentine's "basket".  Valentine's is about love, and I love them, so why not??

4. What is your favorite Valentine's candy?
Chocolates of course!  As long as it's not dark chocolate, I will take it!

5. Name 3 things that you LOVE!
My husband, My kids, and Sewing.
Want to join in on the fun?  Hop on over to Night Owl Crafting and link up your answers.


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1 comment:

  1. I married my high school sweetheart as well. Funny to think you can find your soul mate that early in life :) I would love to see your Valentines "baskets" you do for your kids.



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