Monday, December 5, 2011

Sweater Dress...Tute

Have you entered the current giveaway from CrayonFreckles yet?  If not, you can do so here!

Remember this post, where I cut apart a sweater to make boot socks?  Well, I didn't want to throw the rest of that perfectly good sweater in the trash now did I?  Nope!  So, what better use can I get than to re-purpose it for a sweater dress for Riley. :)  This is what I ended up with.

Yes, I did bribe her with candy for this great picture!  Gotta do what you gotta do, right?

Want to know how to do it?  Good!  I was going to tell you whether you wanted to know or not. HA!  Put it on your little one and laugh.  Poor thing, it swallows her whole. 

Find a dress that fits like you want it to, and lay it on top of the one you want to make.

 Pin around the edges, where you want to sew to make the new fit.

Sew around your pins and take the pins out.  As you can see below, there are lines where my new "dress" is.

Cut off the excess material and below is what you have.  I also cut off the neck of the sweater.  I will be using that as well, soon! ;) Since I cut off the neck, I just made the neck hole a "boat neck".  I also double folded the edges on the arms and neck so that it looked finished.

Here is the finished dress!  I am SO EXCITED about it!  She's already worn it a few times also, and has had a ton of compliments.  GO ME!! :)

OK, well, you know she had to have a prissy picture.

Not to bad for my first dress "refashion".  I'm pretty pumped to do more.

I like to party over here!

Thanks for stopping in.  Have a great day!

1 comment:

I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!