Saturday, December 3, 2011

Crafting with the kids {FAIL}

I'm not very good at doing crafts with the kids.  But, for some reason, Christmas makes me want to more often.  And I know the kids love it.  I decided to put some Popsicle sticks to use that we have had for I'm sure years now. Here is what we did!

I hot glued the sticks together in different "flake" shapes.

I did a small, medium, and large flake for the sizes of my kiddos.

Then we put Elmer's glue all over the sticks and sprinkled their choice of glitter all over the tops.

After letting them dry overnight, and hanging them, here is the final outcome! 

Yep!  After feeling bad for not doing crafts with my little ones, and making them, letting them dry, hanging them.  THIS is what we woke up too!  Broken on the floor.  LOL  So much for crafting with the kids! ;)

I like to party over here!

Have a Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute! My kids are not into crafts at all and I'm running out of Indoor Activities for Kids. Someone told that Great Wolf is a fun indoor waterpark to take the kids for the weekend.


I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!