Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cuties Show Off

I love when I see things I have made being shown off on other blogs.  I love to know someone other than me likes what I made, and it makes me feel so special.  So I decided to do this on my blog, too!  Especially since I have a Featured button now!!  ;)  So, here are some things that I have found around on blogland this week!

Of course with today being Thanksgiving, I have to show off this shirt!  CUTE!
Turkey Shirt by Artsy Fartsy MaMa

And since I have had Christmas on the brain for a month now, look at this wreath!  You all know I like bright colors, especially for Christmas.
Grinchy Wreath at Country Mom Party Goddess

I've been wanting to add some more pillows to my bed.  If you remember this post, then you know our room is done in "cabin" or "outdoorsy" decor.  This would be perfect!
Wood Grain Pillow from Straight Stitches.

LOVE this watch/bracelt in one!  And I have the perfect belt in mind for one.  Don't you love when that happens??
Charm Watch at Flamingo Toes.

Last, but certainly not least!  How cute is this Gingerbread house??  It cought my eye because we have a HUGE box from our recent dishwasher purchase that the kids have been BEGGING to play with.  Now, we have the perfect thing to do with it. ;)  That should keep them busy for a few hours, at least.
Gingerbread House from ComeTogetherKids.

If you have been featured, feel free to grab a featured button.  That's so fun to say!  HA!

Once again, Have A Fabulous Thanksgiving!


  1. that's the most awesome cardboard house i've ever seen!

  2. Thanks for the feature :)
    You find so many great ideas!!


I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!