Friday, July 15, 2011

T-Shirt Hat

The boys love hats. They have about a bajillion (that's a word, right?) It is in my dictionary, at least. ;) Anywho, I had a few shirts that Kaleb had outgrown and they had small stains on the neckline so I decided to recycle them into hats. Kaleb loves his. He doesn't wear it as much now, since it's hot. But this winter, he wore it a lot because it covered his ears.

How about some pictures?
For the brim I just cut up a cracker box and used some of that so it would stay "firm".
I will be linking to these parties.

Have A Wonderful Day!!


  1. that's too cute! what a darling little model you have too! i love the funky tilted stripe on the front! it adds so much personality! i've gotta get me a sewing machine so i can try out some of you creations!

    please tell me that you're going to link this up to my party on tuesday!?

  2. Thanks Andie Jaye! Of course I will be linking it up. :)


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