Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lovin It!

I am really trying to figure out my style.  I have been so many years just buying one's and two's of certain things here and there and making up my wardrobe as I go along.  So, now I am trying to Really find out what I love and what my style is.  The problem will be to get away from buying one or two things here or there and actually paying attention to what I have, and want to wear as a completed outfit.  Ya know, like a person's "staples" they have in their closets at all times??

 I totally love this!  I am loving green right now, for some reason.  And I love how "simple" the whole thing is.  You know when you have kids you want to just be able to throw something simple on, and still look cute?  That's me!  I hate spending an hour to get ready, when I have four (yes, I have to help the hubby get ready too.  LOL) other people to get ready as well.  Now I will have to keep my eyes open for these types of things at the stores. ;)

Do you all know your style??  Or are you still trying to learn it as well?

Have A Wonderful Day!!


  1. Super cute! I love this... if I had someone to tell me what to wear everyday, I would be forever grateful! :)

  2. My style?... Most of the time I feel completely style-less! I used to love shopping but now when I go, I am not even sure what is in style...
    I guess this is a mommy thing?! What do you think?!
    I love those little brown shoes.

  3. I agree ladies! It takes a minute for me to learn what is even "cute" now. :) Not to mention trying to shop with the three little ones. FUN!

  4. I love it! It's boho, comfy, relaxed chic! I thought had my style figured out but I got so side tracked with everything else I sort of forgot about it! I like to look cuite but not fuss over it so much, I too have to help my hubby get ready as well as the baby! It can be a challenge.

    Cat @ Minoaka Bebe


I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!