Sunday, November 18, 2012

Tip-toe features {Featuring you}

There were some great things linked up to last weeks tip-toe thru Tuesday party.  Since this week is Thanksgiving, let's start with a few Thanksgiving posts shall we?

Free Thanksgiving word search from Creative Family Fun

Pop up Turkey from Crafty Journal
Inspiration board from Thrifty and Fabulous
This is a great post about ways to teach children to express gratitude.  You all know this is close to my heart, since my husband is active duty.  I love it, and you can read more about it at Kindergarten and preschool for parents and teachers.

Lastly, Heavenly Handmade shared her cute earrings

Thanks so much to everyone who links up every week.  I love looking through your work, and you all do a great job!

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1 comment:

  1. Christy - Thank you so much for linking to my post on Kindergarten & Preschool for Parents & Teachers. You have AMAZING blogs. I'm going to check out that blueberry recipe now. Thank you for your families sacrifices in the service and have a Happy Thanksgiving!


I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!