Monday, May 28, 2012

Baby Doll Bed

Riley was given a baby doll bed from her Great Nana, my husband's grandmother.  It was old, dinged up, and didn't have any bedding for it.  So I got busy.  Here is what I started with.

I gathered my scraps for a quilt first.

Measured my main materials based on the mattress that came with the bed.

I then cut out different sized pieces and started pining them onto the material.

After pining all of the scraps onto the front, I laid out more scraps on the sides for the binding of the quilt.

I sewed the scraps, then sewed the binding around the quilt.

I also re-covered the mattress, made a pillow, and gave the bed a fresh coat of pretty white paint.

I think it's adorable!  And I know Miss Riley likes it also. 

I like to party here!

Thanks so much for reading!  Have a fantastic day.

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  1. So cute... You are lucky you are crafty.. Don't know how to sew ;( Anyway, looking forward to following you GFC! Love for you to link up to Mom's Monday Mingle..

  2. that's so darling! i want a bigger one for our bed :) will you link this up on tuesday?

  3. So cute!!! Love all the fabrics! Thank you for sharing at Uncommon! ;)

  4. Really cute and I'm a sucker for any project that involves using scraps!

    Thanks for sharing

  5. That's so cute! Great use of scraps too! Thanks for sharing at The Little Giggler! :)


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