Monday, April 2, 2012

Kids Apron {Tutorial}

Good Morning!

If you remember last week's Your Are My Sunshine Apron, I told you to expect a tutorial soon for the Kids Apron.  Well, here it is.

Cut the main fabric at 16 inches wide, by 22 inches tall.

Now to cut the arm holes.  Fold in half, and cut 4 and a half inches in from the outside and 7 and a half  inches down.  Then meet them at a curve.  This is what it will now look like when unfolded.

For the neck strap, cut a strip that is 3 inches wide, and 19 inches long.
For the waist straps, cut two strips that are 3 inches wide by 26 inches long.
Finally cut the material for the pocket.  I cut mine 6 and a half inches tall, by 7 inches wide.  Of course you can cut yours however you like. ;)

All that is left is to sew.  Sew your pocket onto the front.  Fold all of the straps in half, sew, then turn right side out.  Sew these onto your base apron where you would like them to go.  Here is where I sewed mine.

I was so excited to finish the apron, I forgot to take pictures of putting it together.  If you have any questions please let me know. 

Thanks so much for reading.  Love to you all!!

I like to party here.
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  1. Christy!!! This is great! You are awesome for sharing this :) You always inspire me to want to sew more & make cute things! Let's see if I actually will though! LOL!! - Julie

  2. This is so cute. My daughter loves wearing an apron and chef's hat :).

  3. Love this!!! My daughter has been wearing mine when we bake together...but I just have to make her one of these!!


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