Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pick Your Plum

Have you ever been by Cherished Bliss Blog?  If not, you should.  They are fabulous.  A few months ago I signed up through them to receive an item from Pick Your PlumPick Your Plum is a daily deals site that carries super cute, very inexpensive items that change every day.  Well, Pick Your Plum and Cherished Bliss have teamed up together to see what kinds of things we can come up with while using items from Pick Your Plum.  Cool, right?  I had heard of them prior to this, but had never ordered anything.  I was pleasantly surprised at what I received.  Want to see?

I received three, small watch bands.  They are leather, and of great quality.  I have been seeing wrap bracelets a lot lately, and have been wanting one.  Well, when I got these in, I knew what I wanted to do with them. 

I just put them all together, and wrapped them around my arm.  I love how they "stack" with the buckles if I want to see that side.  If I don't want to see the buckles, then I just move those to the back of my wrist and I see the bands.

What do you think?  What would you do with them if you had them?  I would love some more ideas!

Do you have items from Pick Your Plum that you want to show off?  Anyone can join in the fun linky party going on now at Cherished Bliss.

Manic Mother

Have a Fabulous Day!
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  1. Thank you so much Christy for participating with us in our link party!! Those bands look super cute on you!! I was thinking you could probably find some cute jewels to slide on them but I"m not very creative unless I search the web for ideas!! ha! Thanks again for helping pass the word!!

  2. I love these bands! Let me know if you get any more ideas on how to wear them, I'm thinking of wearing them the way you are (stacked, and maybe with the buckle showing on atleast one). :)


I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!