Monday, October 10, 2011

Pinterest Cuties

**Have you entered my current giveaway for a Johnny In A Dress shop item??  You can do so here!  Or by clicking over on the Giveaway Cuties button in the top sidebar. 

Every week I am going to start completing one thing I have pinned!  Eeeekkkk.  I am actually a little scared to announce this.  HA!  Although, I really need to start cleaning out those pin boards.  I mean, you pin something so that you can do it, right??  Or is it just to look at and drool over?  ;)

OK, so to start this off I have chose to show you what I wanted to do with a tie I have purchased from this Savings Saturday post.  Can you believe that this has been months ago now?  Gesh, I have to stop being such a lazy busy women!  Anyhow, the following is what I found on Pinterest.

This is from LindaEve, and she even has a good tutorial for them.  I still have them pinned under my Make Me board if you would like to pin them as well. :)  I think I may need to make a new board for the things that I have made, though.  I may do that, soon.

I did use her tutorial for the basics, but I didn't add anything in the middle of the tie.  I like it loose and movable.  Here are some pictures of mine, and how I fixed them.

The start...
 First one completed.  This one is from the small end of the tie.  I love the button I added, it gives it a "boat" feel.
 With it on...
 This is what the inside of it looks like, and where I put my snaps.
 I couldn't just stop with the small end now could I?  Here is the large end...with a HUGE button!

I can't decide which one I love more!

Well, there is my first "Pinterest Cutie".  I hope there are many more to come.  Stay tuned.

I like to party here.

Have a fabulous day!

1 comment:

  1. those are so fun!! and if you thrifted ties, you could do them so inexpensively!


I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!