Monday, September 26, 2011

Silky Cuteness

My little girl is finally letting me put things in her hair!  This is huge because for the first 3 and 1/2 years, she would just rip them right out!  This is also huge because she is my first girl (after two boys) and I wanted a girly girl.  Although, I may be starting to regret that "want" as her attitude gets so much bigger. HA!

Since she is such a girly girl, I decided she needed some pretty, girly hair cuteness!  This is what I came up with....
 I adore that smile!
 I gathered some silk ribbon and hot glued it onto a piece of felt.  Layered that two times then added a yo yo and some pearls in the middle.  I haven't shared this yet, but her nick-name is Pearl! ;0)  Given to her from my family on  my mom's side.  {Hi Chasity, and Mandi!}

She loves it, and so do I!

I will be linking up to these fab parties!

Have a fabulous day, friends!


  1. Super cute!!! I'll bet you are so excited that she will let you do her hair, and leave it in now!! Thanks for sharing this exciting news with my "Sundae Shake Up".

  2. Really cute! Your cuteness as well. Thank u for sharing

  3. Super CAUUUTE!!!! Hi there, I found ya via blog hop and had to stop in and say hello, LOVE all your creativity and space here.. Excited to get to share in more blog fun reads and inspiration from ya.. I'm officially following ya.. I'm Marilyn via - hope you can stop in sometime.. TY

  4. So cute! and sad to say I did the same thing to my Mom as a kid--but now I love hair accessories!

    I have a rosette necklace in a great giveaway right now, would love for you to enter and win!

  5. So cute Christy! Posts like this make me wish I had a little girl! Thanks so much for linking up to The Creative Spark. Have a great week!
    Jenn :)

  6. So cute!! How fun that she is finally letting you put stuff in her hair!! Thanks for joining last week's What's In The Gunny Sack? link party and I hope to see you again for tomorrow's party!

  7. thanks so much for linking up last week! hope to see you again this week!


I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!