Monday, August 15, 2011

Cutie Patootie Clipboard!

In case you have missed it.....go here to enter my first giveaway!

I have to admit, this is the first year that I have acctually made something for my son's teacher back to school gift. Sad I know. I have always adored cute clipboards, but have never really had a reason to make one. Since I have two kiddos in school now, I decided this year would be the year I started making the gifts, instead of buying them.

This is what I used:

First, I painted the outside of the front.....and let dry

Next, mod podge the board, lay the paper down, and mod podge again.  (You may want to keep a credit card close by so that you can smooth out the "bubbles")

Third, flip it over and paint the outside of the board.

I took another piece of plain paper and mod podged it on like in the second step.

Last, but not least, tie on some cute coordinating ribbon to the clip and "distress" the clip.  Your done!  Tie it up cute, and there is one super cute and inexpensive teacher's gift.

I will be linking up to these fabulous parties.

Have A Wonderful Day!!


  1. Hey Christy,

    This clip board is so cute!!! Good job! Thanks for linking up on "Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop"!

    From this week's co-host:

    Jacque @ Jacque's Soda Parlor

    P.S. I'm your newest follower! :)

  2. Turned out soo cute!!! Love crafts like this.
    new follower

  3. What a really cute craft! New follower from the creative hop. Hope you could follow back at

  4. Lovely clipboards! You did a great job!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  5. hey ladybug! i love the idea of a back to school gift! and it turned out darling! just wanted to let you know that i'm featuring this at my tip-toe thru tuesday party!


I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!