Saturday, July 23, 2011

Savings Saturday

I skipped last weeks Savings Saturday...OOPS. Sorry. I completely forgot about it.

One way I try to save my family money is by making "treats" that my kiddos would normally get at Sonic or DQ. Everyone knows kids love to go get special "treats"....especially in the summer.

Why go to Sonic and pay $4 for a treat you can make at home? So, my boys LOVE Cherry Limeade Chiller's from Sonic. They ask for them all of the time. In an effort to save some money, I got into my kitchen the other day and did some experimenting. :)

Here's what I used:
Ice cream
Cherry Limeade
Whipped Cream

I just added all of this into the blender, minus the cherries.  I'm sorry I don't have exact measurements. :(  I rarely ever measure stuff.  HA!  I just called the boys in and added more of what they said it needed until they were happy.

And let me tell was DELICIOUS!  I'm so glad I decided to experiment and make our own at home.  This will save me a LOT of money!

What have you saved on recently??  I would love to hear.

I will be linking up to these awesome parties!

Have A Wonderful Day!!


  1. those sound and look sooo yummy! we used to have smoothie saturdays at our house where i'd make yogurt smoothies. we got out of that practice. think i'm going to reinstate it and give your recipe a whirl! thanks bird!

  2. This was my favorite at our sonic,that is until they discontinued it!
    Going to give this a whirl :)
    Thank you!


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