Tuesday, July 5, 2011

{late} Happy 4th of July!

Happy day late 4th of July bloggy friends!! I'm so sorry I was not able to get on and wish you all a happy one yesterday. The kids are I are visiting family for the holiday and have been slammed packed with FUN activities!!

Like...wearing a new twirl skirt I made Riley!
Or wearing Kaleb's new shirt that we made for the 4th!
We "may" have been eating a little too much food.....
 Possibly having a water balloon fight....
 Or being the ONLY adult in the swiming pool with all the crazy kids!! 
And last, but certainly not least, getting some good fireworks in!!

I hope you all had a great day as well!

I'll be trying to catch up on all my AMAZING comments and readers I have been getting these past few days tomorrow.

Have A Wonderful Day!!


  1. your pictures gave me a big smile on my face! how lucky you are to have such a big family to share holidays with!!

  2. Awe, thanks Andie Jaye. We are very lucky for our family. I hope your 4th was the best, also. :)


I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!