Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Honey Almond Butter {Paleo}


Have you entered my current giveaway?  It ends August 19th, 2013!

I have been eating a ton of almond butter lately.  It's delicious!  I eat it with my apples, celery, and I even used it in my Chocolate Almond Butter Cups.  It's also pretty expensive.  So I decided to start making my own!  I buy a one pound bag of almonds at Sam's for the same price that I pay for a 12 oz. jar of Almond Butter at the store.  So it's definitely cost effective!

2 cups dry roasted almonds
2 tbs honey

I like mine to be a tad sweet, so I add in a little local Tennessee honey!  This also helps with my husbands allergies.

Start with your almonds in a food processor.

Blend until they get a good paste.  The longer you blend, the more smooth it will become.  It will stick to the sides, so you will have to stop and smooth it back down to continue processing.

Once you get it to the right consistency that you like, add in your honey if you would like.  You do not have to add in the honey.  That is totally up to preference. :)

When you are done, enjoy your creation!

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Are you a fan of almond butter?  How do you eat it?

Thanks for reading!  I will be linking up to these awesome parties.

1 comment:

I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!