Friday, December 21, 2012

A New Coffee Cup {Great Grandma's Present}

Every year it gets harder to think of something unique to give my Grandmother, and the kids Great Grandmother for Christmas.  She is my only living Grandmother now, and the kids and I love her dearly. 
We have a HUGE family, so when you think of everyone giving her something for Christmas you get a whole range of presents.  This year I wanted to do something special for her.  I know she's getting older, and I know she won't be around forever.  It breaks my heart.  She hasn't been doing well health wise this year and has been having to stay home more. 
Since we are in the Military, we live further away than any of our other family members.  So we only get to see her a few times a year.  This year I decided we would do something for her that she could admire every day, until God takes her home.  She loves coffee, so we made her a coffee mug.
Here is Riley's side of the coffee cup.
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I'm sure by now you have seen on pinterest how you can use Sharpie's and draw whatever you want on a mug.  Bake it at 350* for 30 minutes and you are done.  This is Luke's side.

I let each of the kids take a side, and left them alone to draw whatever they wanted.  This is Kaleb's side.
I love how personal this is, and I hope she will actually use it, rather than just let it set to look at.   We got the cup at the dollar store, but with what the kids did to it, it is worth so much more to me.  As I'm sure it will be to her as well. 
Have a great Christmas everyone. May God bless you and your families.  Thanks for reading along.
I like to party at these awesome places.

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