Friday, November 9, 2012

Dress Up Station

Riley is such a girl.  Funny, huh?  Of course she's a girl.  She's my only girl, and I absolutely love it!  She loves all things that you think of as girly.  She loves make-up, glitter, barbies, jewelry, and of course dress up. 

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You know how when your reading blogs and all you see are beautiful pictures, and you wonder how they keep their house so amazing?  Well, you won't be seeing that here.  HA!    I had Riley's dress up in her closet, and it did not work.  At all.  It was all shoved into one small wooden bin.  So it was basically all over her closet floor.

Now, it all has a place.  I am so proud of this little pink dress up station.  My own two hands built this, from buying to stuff for it, to loading it up with dress up.  I have been using the table saw more, but when I decided to take on this project I didn't realize it would also include using a hand saw, a drill, and an air gun!  It was FUN!  I went to the store not even knowing what size wood to get.  It was totally a last minute thing.

We have what I call a "Mom and Pop store" (locally owned and operated) here that had some used 1x8's for $1.50.  I snagged a few of those up.  That was a great price, used or not.  I added some knobs to one side so that she could hang all of her purses and things like that.  I got those at Lowes for .99 cents. 

The dowel I also bought at our local store, Hardware City.  It was only $1.59.  I wanted to make sure it stayed in place, so I drilled out two circles inside of the sides so that it would be "inset".  Then I added wood glue, and nailed each end into place.

The bottom is about 2 foot wide, and 6 foot long.  I used two colors.  The main pink color is Valspar in Pink Geranium.  And the second is this purple (picture below).  Have you seen these small paint containers?  LOVE them!

I knew I wanted something on the side.  So I chose to say "Always wear a smile".  I felt like it went with dress up so well.  Riley asked me what it meant, and she keeps asking if she's wearing her smile.  So sweet.
She adores her dress up station, and has kept it cleaned up perfectly.  Now it's time to get some more dress up clothes.
Have you built anything lately?  If not, what are you waiting for?
Thanks so much for reading! 
I like to party at these awesome places.


  1. This is such an awesome idea!!!!! I'd love to have you join my Pin Me Linky Party because this is is cool! I'm going to pin it now! I am following via GFC, Pinterest, Facebook, & Twitter!

    Diana Rambles
    Bento Blog Network
    Link Rink

  2. You did such a fantastic job! The space is very accessible and inviting. I'm sure she has a lot of fun with it.

  3. This is really awesome!! I wish I would have thought of something like this when my Girls were little...Now Papa will be making one for our Granddaughters. Who like your daughter are Girly Girls!!

    Thanks so much for Sharing!!

    Have a Wonderful Holiday!!


  4. I've been dying to make my daughter a dress up area!! Although when I say "make" I mean have my husband make it. :) Good for you mama!! You did an awesome job!! LOVE IT!!


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