Monday, September 10, 2012

Getting Kids Work Organized {Organize Everything}

Before we get to the post for today, voting has opened for the Extreme Room Makeover!  If you remember, I entered my Craft room.  1/3 of the selection process is used by votes.  You are able to vote once a day, per computer.  If you would take a moment and vote for my room {or one you believe needs it more} I would be so grateful.  I am currently number 35{Although that could possibly change}.  You can do that, here.  Just scroll down to my number and click on the "star".  Thanks so much!!

Now back to the program....


With three kids, you wind up with a lot of crafts, and colored pictures, and graded school work that you want to keep. Not to mention all of the stuff in between. It has started to take up space where I didn't need it to, so I knew it was time to find a permanent, organized place for it.

For a while now I have had each kid's in a separate drawer down in an unused space in the basement.  Now, that space is my craft room.  (Woot!)  So I wanted it to be put somewhere else. 

Each drawer was used for one kid.  And it really has helped me stay organized and keep them all separate.  But, not good enough.

I decided it was time to not only put it into a more permanent place, but to also organize it by year.  This way when they grow older, they will be able to tell what stages were when.  Since the boys were in school, I focused on theirs first.  I found some unused file boxes and file folders.  Each folder is for a specific year, and it goes in order from earliest to latest work.

I really like how they are separate, so that when (if) they ever want to take them to their new place when they get married and have families it is already separated for them and ready.

To make sure I knew who's were who's, I added their names to the front.  They are both in different colors, as well as different fonts.  Each kid is different.  So their names needed to be different.  Right?  Now I am able to just look and know where to put their paper work. 

Their boxes are put in my craft room closet, so they are still easy accessible. 

How do you organize  your child's work?

I like to party at these awesome places.
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