Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Work it out Wednesday!


I am going to start doing a bi-weekly update, rather than a weekly.  Basically just  because I only work out three or so times a week, so there's really not a whole lot to say. 

Last week I stopped running, and started doing CrossFit again.  I need to work out a schedule to where I am doing both.  I wanted to start CrossFit back so that I could be ready for my Warrior Dash in September.  And since my first 5K isn't until October, I figured I better train for what comes first. 

Last week:
Tuesday: Crossfit
37 Burpees
100 Kettle Bell Swings

Wednesday: Crossfit
Sprint (from one point to the next), every minute, adding a sprint each minute, for 8 minutes.

It has always been so hard to hold myself accountable to work out.  I know I feel better when I do it, but actually getting into the routine of it is hard for me.  Luckily, I have a fabulous friend that is now going to keep me accountable.
Source: via Christy on Pinterest
I am so bless to have friends that will step up to help me achieve what I want to.  If you have a hard time getting yourself in the gym, or eating right, find an accountability partner.  It makes all the difference.  I am not only disappointing  myself, but my friend as well.

This week:
Tuesday: Crossfit
20 arm dips, push ups, sit ups, and squats
Three rounds of each, with three minute rest between each round

Wednesday: Crossfit
5 chair dips
10 push ups
15 air squats
Each minute on the minute for 9 minutes

I will be doing more workouts this week, now that I have an accountability partner.  I can't wait to start seeing the results of my hard work!
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