Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Entering the Epic Room Makeover 2012

I'm sure by now you all have heard about the EPIC ROOM MAKEOVER for 2012 that Vintage Revivals is doing, right?  If not, your about to.

Here's the room I am entering.  My new "Craft Room".  This room is small, and in the basement.  It is definitely the worst room in the house.  It is so dark.  The only light is that small one in the ceiling.  But to be crafty, you need to have a beautiful space that inspires you, right?  That's not happening for me right now.  I know Mandi can help!
The room is painted plywood.  And no, the holes aren't filled in correctly.  The rug doesn't fit the "colors" or the floor size at all.  But, it was better than cold concrete.

My "storage" is non-existent.  Also, can you see where the rug doesn't even go all the way to the wall on this side of the room?  I am ironing my fabric on that plastic fold and go table.  haha

The ceiling is caving in on me...literally.  The "trim" is just plain wood.  It's not even real trim.

Are you ready for this?  There is a SHOWER in my craft room.  Who puts a standing showing in the back corner room of the basement?  No bathroom, no sink, no toilet, just a shower.

To make it worse, the shower doesn't even have a ceiling.  But it does work, if you ever need to rinse off. HA!

Since the shower is on the right corner, it sticks out further than the rest of this wall.  Which makes it hard for me to figure out how to lay the room out.  Can you see how I'm using the shower floor as a storage space?  Oops.  See the window on the left?  Yea, it looks into a storage space that is under the addition that was added to the top level of the house.  No outside, no sun, no light, just dark...and creepy.

See.  It isn't even closed in properly.

The closet.  It's a decent size, I'm just not sure how to make it work for a craft room.  So right now it holds coats, and wreaths, and files, and baseball cards, and who knows what else.

And this is where I sew.  Another plastic fold and go table.  You should feel the vibrations on this baby when you sew.  It's epic!

What's worse is that I am able to see my husband's "Man Room" that I have re-done for him over the years.  It's a TN VOLS room.  I hand painted those ceiling squares myself.  That took forever.  But, it looks great, and makes my space look even worse.
So here is my plea, come to my house.  Help me redo my crafting space.  I have power tools, and I'm not afraid to use them.  Haha.  Well, maybe I'm a little afraid. ;)  I'm a quick learn, though.  Promise.  And I will feed you pizza, or wings from Hooter's, or BWW, or Mexican, or whatever else you would like.  Snacks, candy, and caffeine?  I promise to keep the kitchen stocked with those things!  You would have a chance to meet a real life Army Hero.  My husband.  Not that he's that important or anything.  But he's hilarious and would help us if we ask him nicely.  So, pick me.  OK!
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  1. so wish we lived closer. i'd totally help! but best of luck to you! i hope that you get picked! do i vote somewhere or do they just pick?

    1. Hey Andie,

      Voting is open for a few more days. You are able to vote once a day per IP address. Thanks for the sweet words. I need all the help I can get. HA. I'm number 35 if you want to vote. :)

  2. Christy! I am a little baffled at the shower situation too, it would be fun to make up some good stories about why it was there though! You are so sweet and I would LOVE to come and help overhaul your craft space!! Thanks for entering and good luck!

    Love your guts


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