Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summer Wreath

Happy Day!!

I know today I should be showing a Pinterest item...but I don't have one.  So, you get this. ;)

Just a quick photo of my newest wreath I made for summer.  I used a plain grapevine wreath and decided to spray paint it metallic gold.  I added a few pinwheels, a "flower" and a cute little string with fuzz balls (what are they called, anyway??) going across.  Simple, but it brought the kind of color I wanted to my door for summer.

I like to party here!

Thanks so much for reading along.  Have a great week!

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1 comment:

  1. i can't even tell you what i actually call them because i don't want to make it pop in your keyword search.. i've heard them referred to as pom-poms. this so cute! i love the pinwheels! just made my first wreath, but it's just not right...


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