Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Late Easter

Happy Late Easter Y'all!

I am so sorry it is late, but I was spending some serious quality time with my kiddos!  You see, sometimes you get so caught up in the "happenings" of life that you forget to show the ones you love most all of your attention.  So this weekend I did.  We were jammed packed with FUN! 

Saturday the hubby and I took the kiddos to Rock City in Lookout Mountain TN.   Here is a quick pic.  A must see if you are near the area!  I will do a post soon with what you can expect to see when there.  ;)
 Then of course, Easter!  We woke up super early, so that we could have a full day to celebrate our Jesus's life!
 Next was an awesome time at our Church, Awaken.  LOVE IT!  Our children's ministry is top notch.They do the best they can to show all of the children the Love of Jesus.
 Last, but certainly not least, we had a blast at our friend's house with their families.  One of the hardest things about being in the Military is being away from your own families during holidays.  We are so blessed to have friends that treat us as family and invite us to be with theirs.  As you can see, they were very blessed with TONS of candy.  So much so that we had to dump their baskets so they can get more eggs. lol  ;)

I hope you all were able to have as great of an Easter weekend as we were able to. 

Have a great day!

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1 comment:

I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!