Saturday, January 14, 2012

Savings Saturday {Birchbox}

I used to do a Savings Saturday every week where I would post what deals I scored that week.  Well, with the Holidays and all of the craziness laziness, I haven't been couponing or looking for good deals.  I hope to get back on track with that in the next few weeks, but I have to build up my binder again.  So, instead of showing you a couponing deal, I'm going to tell you what I just signed up for.

Birchbox!  Have you ever hear of Birchbox?  For only $10 a month Birchbox will send you a pink box with 4-5 Deluxe sized samples.  Deluxe sized samples is where you will get more than one use from them.  First, I love samples.  I do.  I hate to buy a full sized product of something not knowing if it will work for me or not.    I have also been wanting to try some better quality (more expensive) items lately and see if they are worth the extra money, but not willing to pay the extra money without knowing for sure or not.  Recently I found out about Birchbox and wanted to at least give it a try!  :)  I will receive my first box next month and show it off to all of you.  But, if you are like me and you love samples you may want to check out Birchbox for yourself. :)

If you are already a member of Birchbox, what do you think?

*I have not been paid to write about Birchbox.  I am just very excited to try it out, and thought I would share! :)

1 comment:

  1. I've only gotten two boxes so far, but I'm not sure what I think of it. There are quite a few things in there that I would never use, so I only like one or two things from each box. I'm not crazy into makeup, creams, etc so I'm wondering if maybe this isn't the best way to spend my money? So love getting things in my mailbox though, ha!


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