Sunday, January 8, 2012

Helping an Adoption

I have been trying to get more involved with helping others.  Now that I am more confident in my craftiness, and well, knowing that what I make is not complete junk (HA!)  As well as seeing how many people need help, help that I am able to give at certain times.  I have been wanting to do more for my community, friends, and even strangers.  I love to know when things are happening in blog land that I can help with.  I thought I would share it with you, in case you want to help as well.

One of my good bloggy buddies, Andie from Crayon Freckles, is currently helping a family raise money for their adoption through her talent and blog.  Andie has donated sales from her Etsy shop, Crayon Freckles.

Grab This!

Even better, all of the donations and proceeds are handled by Reece's Rainbow, an organization that handles all of the money for Adoptions.  So you can be sure that your donations are going to help bring this sweet child home to her new family.

You can find out more about this Adoption and the family by going to their bog, Faith Set Free.

If you know of any other great things happening in blog world, please leave me a message, here, or by leaving a comment below.  I would love to know, and possibly help.


  1. Oh I am so happy to see Reece's Rainbow on your blog!! Thank you for helping!! I am hoping & praying to adopt through them one day soon! :)

  2. thanks so much for helping to spread the word about this beautiful little girl!


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