Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pinterest: Make Me {A Scrappy Shade}

Good Morning all of you fabulous friends! It is DECEMBER!! WOOT WOOT! Today I would like to show you my shade that I made for my lamp from earlier this week. ;) I am having such a hard time figuring out what "style" I want my living room to have. I've always been a dark wood, "fancy" type in the living room. Then I wanted to go with the primitive look. Well, I haven't really went to far with that, and decided I really like the bright, interesting, eclectic look. lol How in the world do you decide on a look? Its so hard! Since I decided to go with the eclectic look for the time being, I wanted a funky shade for my yellow lamp. Let's get started.

I found the following shade on Pinterest!
(Click picture and it will take  you to the site it was found on)

Here is the lamp shade from my broken lamp from Monday's Post.

Rip it apart!  This is kinda fun. ;)

Here is your plain lamp shade, ready to be dressed up!

I measured fabric pieces that would reach from top to bottom, with about 2 inches extra on each end.  I made the strips about 1 and a half inches wide.

I just wrapped the ends around the shade and tied a knot.  I wanted it to look "messy".

Keep tieing.  This is the least fun part.  When your done, trim the ends to make them all the same length at the knots.

Put your shade on the lamp and your done!  I don't have the color of the shade in any other part of my living room, so it's a very nice color to bring in.  I think it looks so funky on my yellow lamp.

All together, this cost me $3.99!  Just the cost of the lamp.  Score!

What do you think?  Cute?  Colors aren't right?  Shade to wide at the bottom?  Let me know. :)

I like to party over here!

Have a fabulous day!!


  1. Congratulations! You've been given The Versatile Blogger Award at Impossible Cleanliness. You can read more about this at

  2. This is so cute! I like yours better than the one on pinterest, haha! I love this pink too, but I'm a big girly girl :)

    I'd love for you to link this up to my link party, Your Whims Wednesday!


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