Saturday, September 10, 2011

Savings Saturday - At the store

** Have you entered my giveaway for $15 to Thrifty and Fabuless Etsy shop??  If not, you can do so here!

I am trying desperately hard to get back into using coupons.  I love coupons.  I try to use them every time I go shopping.  However, between buying, cutting, organizing, weeding out expired ones, going though them, checking sale ads, and shopping with kids it gets to be so much.  I tend to go through months at a time where I use coupons ALL the months when I will not even go to buy them.

I am proud to say, this post will start the few months of always using them!  And I am prying I will get over my laziness issues and continue to use them.  Here is what I scored!
Cost breakdown
2 Ortega products $1.98 minus $1 coupon = .98 (or .49 a piece)
3 Playtex $6.06 minus $6 coupons = .06 (or .2 a piece)
1 Ky  $1.86 minus $2 coupon = + .14
1 Propel  $2.00 minus FREE coupon = 0.00
3 Trident gum $2.04 minus $1 coupon = $1.04 (or .35 a piece)
3 Nabisco snack packs $3 minus $1 coupon = $2 (or .67 a piece)
2 Stacy's Chips $4 minus $2.50 coupon = $1.50 (or .75 a piece)

Total spent was $ 5.68!
Total SAVED is $ 15.26!

I am happy with my "first" trip! 

Do you coupon? 

1 comment:

  1. That's a great trip! Where did you shop?

    I am new follower from the Boost My Blog Friday Hop. If you have a chance, come by and say hi!


I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!