Friday, September 23, 2011

Pumpkins and all things nice

It still amazes me at how soon crafters start to work on the next seasons "decor". I didn't realize that people started working on things months before it was actually time to have them out. Good for them for not being procrastinators like me. HA!

I have finally gotten around to making a few things for my one shelf in my living room that I have. First I made some of the adorable paper pumpkins that I seen over at Craftaholics Anonymous. Here are hers...
 She did a fabulous tutorial, of course.  You will see mine in the final picture.  I also made my own spin on a pumpkin.  This is the first year that I have done anything for decorations for Halloween.  So I'm pretty proud of myself. Ha!  I used burlap, orange floss, short sticks, hot glue. 
 First I cut my burlap to the size I wanted and added some "eyes and a mouth" with the floss.  I had to go through all of the lines a few times to actually be able to see it.
 I added some "stuffing" and hot glued the top together.
 Glued the stick on top and here is the final outcome. (sorry the picture is so dark.....I need more lighting in the living room)

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Here is my one shelf all done.  Notice the pumpkins to the right of paper that I made using Craftaholics Anonymous tute.  The BOO sign on the right I made as well.  I just took a scrap piece of wood and painted it orange.  I used stencils and glittered BOO on black scrapbook paper.  For my first year, I am pretty happy.  I'm sure I will add to it, though.  I haven't gotten the chance to unpack my fall items yet.  Fall I love...Halloween.....not so much. ;)
What do you think?  The pumpkin was pretty easy.  I hope you like it!

I will be linking up to these parties!

Have a great day, Friends!


  1. Very cute! Yeah.... I'm NO WHERE NEAR Halloween. I just had Jillie's birthday today and a playdate birthday on Thursday and up to Jersey for a wedding a week after that... I'm afraid this year will be a repeat of last years decor.

  2. Those pumpkins are so so so cute!!! I love fall and can't wait to start some Halloween projects!I'm glad I found your blog!

  3. That is so cute! thanks for linking up to scrappy saturdays last weekend, come on back this weekend and link up again :)



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