Friday, September 2, 2011

Making the World Cuter!

Have you heard of the blog Making the World Cuter?  Yes, awesome!  No?  Really??  You definitely need to go check her out!  I have been a follower of hers since I first started blogging, and I have never been disappointed by what she has done!  She is Uber talented.  And she definitely makes the world cuter!

She has started a new series where she will feature a certain blogger when they least expect it.  All you, the blogger, have to do is go onto her page and click the get featured button at the top of her page.  Well, since we all know how addicted to blogging I am...and how SUPER excited I get when I have a new follower (It honestly does make my day!) I decided to take a chance and see if she thought I was "Making the World Cuter" as well!  Guess what??  SHE DID!  WooooHoooo!

Don't you just love doing your normal blog looking in the morning to find out someone things your pretty awesome as well??  LOVE!  So, hop on over to Making the World Cuter if you would and check it out! 
Have a Fabulous Day!!


  1. Hey, I popped over from Making the World Cuter. Looks like you've got a really cute blog. :) I am a new follower. Oh, and did you get your hair cut?

    Feel free to check my blog out:

  2. How neat!!!!! You deserve to be featured! Yay for you! I love Making the World Cuter too :) Fun blog!

  3. Congrats on the feature! I love Tiff! Thanks so much for using my icons & adding my button!

    caroline @ c.w.frosting


I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!