Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hooo are you?

Have you entered to win my giveaway for a $15 credit to Thrifty and Fabuless Etsy shop??  You can do so here!

YAY!! Hoo are you is back! If you noticed we skipped last week.....but we are back!! ;)

Here are the questions:
1. Do you prefer sweet or salty foods?
I think it really depends. I LOVE, love, love chips!  But, I do not salt anything when cooking.  Strange, huh?  And of course I love anything sweet....just wish it didn't add to my body mass.  HA!

2. Name your 3 BEST personality traits!
Compassionate, Positive, honest

3. Name your 3 worst personality traits!
Care to much about what others think of me...that is big for me.  Shy.  Procrastinator.

4. Do you collect anything?
Not really.  I have tried to be a "collector" with Willow Tree Statues....I just hate things setting around getting dusty. 

5. What is your favorite season of the year?
Winter all the way!  I would totally jump at the chance to move to Alaska with the Military if I could take my other family members with me as well.  I love layering up in clothing.  I love hot chocolate, hats, gloves. I love soups!  I love how my nose gets cold when outside for a minute.  Snow, snow, snow! (even if we don't get very much in Tennessee)  I love everything about it!

You can join in the fun too!  Come on over and share your answers. :)



  1. I find it funny that you love winter and live in Tennessee. I live in Chicago and HATE it with a capital H!! Can I come trade with you?? I love Tenn......:)

  2. Totally agree with you about the knick knacks. the older i get the more i am into clean counters and spaces and less to celan and maintain so that i have more free time to read, craft and enjoy! stopping by after visiting the nightowl linky. I am your newest follower. blessings to you, Katie (from Brighton Park)

  3. I am glad I am not the only one who doesn't collect anything!

    Visiting from Night Owl Crafting.

  4. I like snow for about a day and then I am done. I much prefer Fall and all the festivites around the holidays.

  5. I love love sweets! It's my biggest achilles heel. I don't really collect much because I don't have anywhere to put them, except I do have a few things like Scooby Doo dolls (love Scooby!) and Dvds. My hubby and I love watching movies!



I {Heart} Commenting Cuties!