Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Flying through the yard

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**If you have not entered the $15 Etsy shop giveaway yet, tomorrow is the last day to do so!  Go over here to enter!

I made the boys some airplane shirts the other day. I think they are absolutely adorable. {of course I say that about everything I make} I decided I wanted to do a "photo shoot" with them both wearing them. Big mistake, HUGE mistake!  This is how it went down, where one of my boys would be flying through the yard....

Of course my football player would start it....
And the big brother would retaliate....
The football player doesn't look very macho anymore....
One is proud...the other is still trying to process what just happened....
 Finally....a Smile!
Here is a close up of the shirt!

All I used was some white fabric for the "plane", with red thread to sew it on. I then used floss for the stitching to make that cool trail some of those planes make.  Even after the ordeal with our disastrous photo shoot, the boys really do like them.  So, it was a success in my book!

I will be linking to these fab parties!

Have a wonderful day friends.


  1. Boys! My two are just crazy, the one who starts it most times comes off worse and looks so shocked! Bless em', they're only 2, goodness knows what I will do when they get older.

    The t-shirts look great!

  2. The t-shirts look great! I'm impressed you got them to hold still for a great shot! :) So glad you linked up to Show & Share! I have a giveaway going on right now would love to have you join in that also!


  3. haha! that made me laugh out loud... "still trying to process what happened" too funny!

  4. This post made me laugh! And the shirts turned out really cute too!

  5. Thanks for linking up at "Sundae Shake Up", Christy! :) These shirts are super cute. I love your post about the boys too. It made me chuckle.

    Again, thanks for linking up. I would love to see more of fun ideas, every week. Feel free to stop by and link up again.

    Jacque @ Jacque's Soda Parlor

  6. I love it, what a neat idea! Too funny about the photo shoot, I think we've all been there at some point :)


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